Jägerstr 52-54
1200 Wien
What happens when women transform themselves into men? How do they behave, how do they feel? Come and find out! Free workshop for FLINTA participants! Maximum 10 people, please register […]
by starsky 15.03.2025 – 28.03.2025 Opening: 14.03.2025 | 18:30 Closing: 28.03.2025 | 18:30 Die Feminismusmaschine consists of various multifunctional devices that serve as musical instruments, installations, audience-interactive toys, or objects for […]
By Nami Kim Curated by Anna Watzinger (Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory) with the support of Olivia Jaques (all*makers* & Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory) When: 21.02.2025 Time: 12:00-06:00 pm Where: Mz* Baltazar’s Lab, […]
Activism and Counter-Activism Behavioural Dynamics in Cyberspace WITH SYRIAN ARCHITECT KINDA AL SAYED When/Where: Mon 2011-05-30, 21:00 at the Metalab main room Lecturer: Kinda Al Sayed is from Syria, she is […]