

by worm and moddr


The workshop:

In this workshop you will be playing with projections on graphite murals – connected interactively over an Arduino micro controller. Graphite can be used to draw on paper or walls. At the same time graphite is conductive and can therefore be used as an interface. When you touch the graphite drawing on the wall it can e.g. serve as a switch or analog sensor connected to an Arduino board through an electric circuit.

With graphite drawings on the wall we can trigger LEDs within the tiny DIY projectors. The projectors can only project one single frame, but many DIY projectors triggered in a row can give the illusion of animated images. The addition of a layer of projected images to the graphite drawings on the wall can give those drawings a new meaning.

DIY projector:

The DIY projector was invented by Philipp Tiefenbacher: all parts and instructions are available on Moddr_ will provide all the parts and pieces for building and mounting the projector, but not the actual image to be projected. The participants in the workshop can experiment with the construction of the DIY projector and the choice of images for the animation. The sequential display of the projected images should implement some sort of storytelling.

The interface part of the installation will consist of one simple graphite line for each projector, serving as a switch that triggers the LED to go on or off. Participants can tinker DIY switches from everyday conductive materials.


Stefanie will give a little introduction to the Arduino board for those interested. Then we could connect DIY switches from the wall and DIY projectors interactively via Arduino.


Achterhaven 148
3024 RC Rotterdam