“The group who signed up for the 3-day Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory workshop had a seemingly awesome time. Not only did they learn the basics of soldering and using open hardware microboard platform Arduino, but also how to have the hardware interact with software such as Processing and PureData – as well as take apart old electronics to create something new.
After the workshop – which was completely full – there was a general consensus among the participants that we not only should have more introductory workshops, but also follow-up workshops to take people’s skills further. So we’ll definitely do that – and we’re pretty sure it’s not the last time Mz. Baltazar’s Lab and instructor Stefanie Wuschitz will come to Aalborg!
One of the participants, Lina Bergstrøm, did two video segments; one with an interview with Stefanie – and another with bits and pieces from the workshop. Check them out: