Future Technical Sex Objects Workshop with Panda Panda member

When: 06. 12. 2016

Time: 18:00 – 21:00


Christmas Comes Early This Year…
On Wednesday December 7th from 18-21 we will host a workshop about people exploring technology in a very personal way. We’ll be brainstorming concept for the ideal future sex toy which explores both technology itself and the domain of art & tech. Sex toys are often limited to being phallic in shape and having limited modes. We know there is room for improvement, but what are the possibilities for shapes and features? So the overall theme of the evening will be, how can we re-invent the vibrator? The emphasis will be on discussing potential features and how various features might affect the understanding of sexuality and the relation to technology.

We will initiate the workshop with a reading of an excerpt to inspire you, and then move along to an open discussion. Once inspired, we may develop a few prototypes based on the feedback.

The workshop is initiated and will be facilitated by a team member from the Scandinavian collective Panda Panda, who is currently hoping to develop an evolution of the sex toy in the form of a kit for people curious about developing their own technology and/or sexuality.

Mysterious Panda Panda team member


Door Policy: FLIT only

Registration: No registration required.

Event date: 06. 12. 2016

Time: 18:00 – 21:00

