by starsky

15.03.2025 – 28.03.2025

Opening: 14.03.2025 | 18:30

Closing: 28.03.2025 | 18:30

Die Feminismusmaschine consists of various multifunctional devices that serve as musical instruments, installations, audience-interactive toys, or objects for pouchies, pockets, or keychains. They function as feminist discourse machines, responding to patriarchal chains of argumentation. After all, we feminists are tired of responding to the same accusations over and over again—like a perpetual motion machine of feminist argumentation. To make this painful yet necessary task more enjoyable, we hand over this discussion to various devices and machines in which these lines of argumentation have already been fully debated. This relieves us of the constant repetition while creating a powerful, passionate, and precisely argued presence—an elegant, glamorous counterforce in the patriarchal gears.

Door Policy: all genders

Registration: no registration required

Event date:



Organizer: Mz* Baltazar's Lab – Tina Kult, Patrícia J. Reis