When: 19. 05. 2022
Time: 17:00 – 20:00
19th of May, 17-20h
WORKSHOP at Mz* Baltzar’s Lab, Jägerstraße 52-54, Vienna (REGISTRATION LINK)
During this workshop, we will explore the multifaceted history of semiconducting materials their presence in electronic devices and environmental decay. Going back to the advent of communication technologies, we will look at early radio devices, both transmitters and receivers built from raw stones. By transmission, we understand the modulation of a carrier signal, a sinusoidal oscillator. This workshop aims to explore the possibilities of building such oscillators as tone generators out of galvanized scrap metal and radio receptive stones. The participants will be guided to produce negative resistance oscillations to understand the methods of reinforcing communication networks out of leftovers.
No prior experience in electronics is required.
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