When: 01. 06. 2022
Time: 16:00 – 19:00
Bioxeno Workshop
by Gaia Leandra and Ce Quimera
1st of June, 16h – 19h
Workshop Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bioxeno-by-ce-quimera-and-gaia-leandra-tickets-336402237147?aff=odcleoeventsincollection
Mz* Baltazar’s Lab
“Nothing is more queer than nature”
Brigitte Baptiste
In this workshop Ce Quimera and Gaia Leandre propose to collectively explore the diversity of organisms in an ecosystem. Through biological and artistic practices, we will question how different microorganisms live and co-exist interacting with the environment. We will address ecological communities: how to define an ecosystem, how different communities maintain and generate themselves, why the human body is an ecosystem and not an individual. We will shift our anthropocentric vision, conditioned by the belief that humans are the measure of all things, to a worldly outlook that introduces the invisible: all surfaces are covered with life.
“Bioxeno project has had the support of the “Premios Barcelona 2020” Grants from the Barcelona City Council and with the support of Hangar.org for our two-year residency at the wetlab (Gaia Leandra + Ce Quimera 2020-2022).”
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