What happens when women transform themselves into men? How do they behave, how do they feel? Come and find out!
Free workshop for FLINTA participants! Maximum 10 people, please register via email at george.s@mzbaltazarslaboratory.org
WHEN: March 9, 16:00–21:00
WHERE: Mz.Baltazar’s Lab, Jägerstraße 52-54, 1200 Vienna, Austria

Many of us often imagine how it would be if we would allow ourselves to behave as men mostly do in our private or public surrounding. Do we have it in ourselves? And what is “it”? Do we actually want “it” in our lives or not? Through the workshop we will jointly “dissect” male gender identities in ourselves and in the society, having lot of fun.
We are trying to deconstruct that patriarchy that oppresses us, both outside and within ourselves. It is important for us to practically step into the world of transformation, to give ourselves time, to rejoice, play, and learn something new about ourselves.
Workshop held by Zed Zeldić Zed (drag king figure of Zoe Gudović) will deal with the deconstruction of identities through techniques of dressing up and taking space. It will include a brief education on creations and artistic interventions of drag king performers, inspired by Diana Torr and her work, and a longer practical work where participants will look for their drag personas and try them out right away.
Workshop participants are asked to bring their make-up (powder, brown eye shadow, eyeliner) if you don’t have one, we will have it.
Bring some men’s clothes, shoes, whatever you have….we also bring some things!
Bring a light wardrobe, to practice before the transformation.
Bring makeup (especially mascara, eyebrow pencil, concealer) if you have :)