The Autistic Turn by Ipek Burçak

Wann: 29. 03. 2019

Uhrzeit: 19:30 – 21:30




The Autistic Turn by Ipek Burçak
Reading and Listening Performance and Mini CD Release

29.03.2019 begins at 19:30
in English and German language

At Mz*Baltazar’s Lab
Wallensteinstraße 38-40/8, 1200, Vienna, Austria




The Autistic Turn is a project of Ipek Burçak which includes an artist’s book and spreads itself into other forms and media. The project deals with affective computing and idiosyncrasies of the autism spectrum in intersectional waters. Autistic turn comes after the previous turns such as the affective turn and other western feminist turns and aims to bring a fresh wave. Links, facts and non-facts emerge that in turn affect affective computing.

The reading and listening performance leans on and opens up the book and its audio version. Cut-up poems are complemented by visuals and multi-layered recordings. The Autistic Turn Mini CD Audio Version (Well Gedacht Publishing, WGP001), which came into existence as a collaboration with Andara Shastika, will be present on the spot.

Tür Policy: all genders

Anmeldung: No registration required.

Datum: 29. 03. 2019

Uhrzeit: 19:30 – 21:30

