by Nicole Sabella
12.Feburar bis 26.Februar 2021
at Mz*Baltazar’s Laboratory
Jägerstraße 52-54, 1200 Vienna, Austria
Öffnungszeiten nur nach Vereinbarung: SirenX@speis.net
Opening hours only by appointment: SirenX@speis.net
When inside the exhibition room
Please wear your mask FFP2 and keep the 2 meters distance from the visitors
Acoustic meatuses and other matters
Are you ready to be tackled
Tickled or truckled
Fire fit. Diss inject. Lit.
And that’s on, periodt
For hygienic purposes only
Tease me, hug me, squeeze me, pluck me
HTH them wavering hearts and tingling minds
is the new poetopolitical
Why, wait, they better circlude
Omotat. Ovinout. Omotatatatat
(Don’t wanna give TMI, it’s NSFW, TBH)
While squiggling through mudigital waters
With an inkling of
Yet pleasurable to the sight
Do you wanna be a lichen
Or do you wanna be liked?
Randomates of the differnet
Go feel for yourself
But by appointment only.
Feel free to mail me
TENTECHULAR DIS:PLEASURES #2 continues the ongoing series’ entanglement with tentechular qualities of sound at the interface of analogue and digital spaces and materialities. With the help of childhood fetishes of shamelessly zeitgeisty appeal, affective impressions along the fine line between comfort and discomfort, closeness and distance, body and technology might occur. Starting off in 2019 at Alte Schmiede, Vienna, a first live sound performance was realized in collaboration with sound artist Caroline Profanter.
The associated performance persona SirenX (who in the light of Covid 19 might be notably absent) seeks to queer the social reception of voice by means of categories such as gender, origin, age, etc. and obsesses about the physical (re-)production of electronic sound effects.
Nicole Sabella is an artist, cultural scientist and art educatrix engaging in performative strategies that are strongly informed by queer feminist thinking and collaborative practices. Through them she investigates the sociopolitical bonds between body, language, voice, sound, and space, and the way they unfold in constantly changing constellations or “choreo:spheres“. Her work is driven by the basic forces of rhythm and humor, often assembling or dissolving into performative sound installations. Technology is her friend and foe.
image credits: Nicole Sabella
Thanks to:
Mz*Baltazar’s Lab
Lale Rodgarkia-Dara (curatrix)
Patrícia J. Reis & Ana Loureiro Fernandes (organizational support)
Shahab Nedaei (technical support & artistic advice)
Nick Acorne | Ninjaguru (technical support sound collage)