*safe use* a condom for social media workshop by bangiebangs & lislis

Wann: 12. 10. 2016

Uhrzeit: 17:00 – 20:00


We like to share: pics with friends, stories with spouses, and the weather with our parents. In most cases we know what we want to share with whom but today’s media have a life of their own and don’t share our opinions. We share more than we think. Which information lies behind, and which comment? What do I share with a human, the network, or an algorithm? What do I share without knowing?

We take a view onto Social-Media-Platforms, how they work, collect information, and finance themselves. How can we use them without sharing “everything” and how can we keep some privacy?

lislis & bangiebangs

Presenter Photo

bangiebangs always has lots of stuff going on. currently she's working on starting the queer feminist hackspace HAEQS in berlin, and thinking about all the stuff she still wants to learn this year. she organizes events with femme hive berlin (for queer femmes and feminine queers) and HAEQS. interests right now: digital self-defence & digital rights, queer & tech, and saving stray dogs in Greece.

lislis is currently working as a front-end-developer at Travis CI.
At night she is busy teaching and learnung in several programming-groups all over Berlin. At crypto-parties she is supporting people keeping their privacy in the virtual space.


Tür Policy: FLIT only

Anmeldung: please send an email to mbl-orga@lists.metalab.at

Datum: 12. 10. 2016

Uhrzeit: 17:00 – 20:00

