Nina Prader :: Maga_Zine: The Front Cupcake Rant Continued :: Exhibition opening 11.03.2015 at 19h

Mz Baltazar’s Lab and Luftsteuer Show window project proudly presents:

Nina Prader 

<Maga_Zine: The Front
Cupcake Rant Continued>

Opening: 11.3.2015 — 19h
Finissage: 21.4.2015 — 19h
Workshop: 18.3.2015 — 18h


“Cupcakes are a recent economic, cultural, and social phenomenon and dare I say symbol of our times”
-Cupcake Rant 2011

A zine about the current cupcake craze turned into a  ghost-store installation resurfaces on Sechshauserstraße, promising cupcakes of a different sort, behind the door:  Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory.

Inspired by the international economic phenomena of guerilla cupcake bakeries and concept stores that pop-up -also- in Vienna, Vitrine showcased an installation-illustration of the visual narratives and intricacies behind the spongey facade of the cupcake industry: The many symbolic shapes this pastry takes from personifications to hidden economic and gendered ideologies, ranging from serious to absurd. -mostly absurd- In March, Cupcake Store will pop-up again at Mz. Baltazars even further down the gentrified street at Sechshauserstrasse.

And: The museum, biotope, and dysfunctional store invite to a zine-making workshop on the 18th of March.


About the artist:

Nina Prader was born in Washington D.C.

Her studies in visual arts took her to the Museum School of Fine Arts in affiliation with Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts

as well as the Slade in London.

She finished her Masters in Critical Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria in 2013.

Currently living and working in Vienna, Austria her art practice focuses on text and image arts.



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