## German version for Englishn please scroll down ##
Linux Intro Workshop für Frauen* und Trans* Menschen am 10. und 11. Februar 2017
- Warum freie Software?
- Was tut ein Betriebssystem?
- Was ist Linux und wie funktionierts?
- Was passiert hinter meiner grafischen Oberfläche?
- Was/wie kann ich das beeinflussen/manipulieren?
Interessiert? Aber unsicher?
Wann und wo ist das überhaupt?
Ok, ich will mitmachen. Anmeldung
Anmerkungen zur Einladungspolitik
## English version for German please scroll down ##
Linux Intro Workshop for women* and trans* people 10th/11th of February 2017
Is your computer and what it does often a kind of riddle to you? Got enough of “Windows” and already thought it would be interesting to try Linux? And actually you don’t always want to ask some male nerd in your surroundings when nothing seems to work anymore? Maybe this workshop would be the thing for you.
On invitation of Lale Rodgarkia-Dara, Mz. Balthazar’s Laboratory, diebin.at and A Noether Network invite to a workshop for women* and trans* people, on the 10th and 11th of February 2017. In this workshop we want to learn and experiment with Linux together. Questions we want to address, while also testing and playing around a lot, are:
* Why Free Software?
* What does an Operating System do?
* What is Linux and how does it work?
* What happens behind my Graphical User Interface?
* What/how can I influence/manipulate that?
Interested? But not sure?
This workshops is for all those of you, who just want to get to know Linux/their computer more. No previous knowledge is required.
Also people who already have some experience with Linux might learn some thing new in this workshop. We want everyone to feel comfortable. Therefore, just showing off one’s own technical skills isn’t something we support. All workshop participants should respectfully learn with and from each other.
And when and where is it?
The workshop will be hosted by Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory and takes place in their rooms at Wallensteinstrasse 38-40/8 in the 20th disctrict in Vienna. Here you can find it on Open Street Map: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/139761870#map=19/48.23009/16.37238
Workshop hours are:
Fr., 10th of February 2017 18 to 20 o’clock
Sa., 11th of February 2017 11 to 16 o’clock
The workshop takes two days. It is important that you can participate on both days.
Participation in the workshop is free of charge.
The workshop will be most productive for you if you bring your own notebook (it does not have to have Linux installed and you are also not required to do so throughout the workshop). If you don’t have a notebook, we have one or two Linux-Notebooks in spare.
* Can you bring your own notebook? Which Operating System do you use on it? (e.g. Windows 8, Windows 10, Mac OS, Ubuntu Linux, …)
* Do you have any special needs (e.g. child care, barrier-free/accessible rooms, …)
The workshop is limited to 12 participants.
As working language in the workshop we will use german. But we can provide translation to and from English if needed.
Follow-up workshops
This workshop is part of a workshop series by diebin.at and A Noether Network. You can also join the following two workshops:
* Part 2: Shell Programming/Scripting
* Part 3: How do I set up a (web-)server?
Parts 2 took place in January and part 3 will take place in February 2017. The workshops build on top of each other, but they can be also visited independently.
Notes on our invitation policy
Education and transfer of knowledge about technology is often paired with mechanisms of exclusion, which make access to technology especially hard for women*. We work against attributions and assumptions about who is able to understand technical stuff. Therefore we are also against the dominance of cis men in technical context.
Our goal for this workshop is, to create a room in which especially those feel empowered to learn and play with technology, who are traditionally excluded from this area of expertise. Therefore our workshop is open for women* an trans people only.
We are aware that also women* might act in ways which take away room and agency from other women*. An exclusively female* room therefore also does not solve all the problems we see in this area. Nevertheless it is a well proven method to encourage women* to engage with technology.
In the end it is of course about how we act in the workshop. Therefore we want to use the same Codes of Conduct, which Mz* Baltazar’s Lab set up for their own events: https://www.mzbaltazarslaboratory.org/code-of-conduct/