Wann: 15. 03. 2024

Uhrzeit: 17:00 – 20:00


Feminist Zine Workshop – Cordial Invitation for all Women* & Flinta*


Friday 15th March 5-8pm

Saturday 16th March 5-8pm


Mz*Baltazar’s Laboratory (Jägerstraße 52-54, 1200 Vienna)

Inspired by the Herta Müller technique of “collage-poetic” writing, in this workshop, we will elevate word collages and writing with images into true poetic works of art – a combination of scissors and paper with profound meaning. We encounter words everywhere, and each one of them is capable of telling a whole story. We will cut out letters and words from newspapers, magazines, and advertising brochures together. With our life plans, experiences, and a feminist sense of design, we will set these fragments into new texts and compose captivating collages.

Inspiriert von der Herta-Müller-Technik des “collage-poetischen” Schreibens, werden wir in diesem Workshop Wortcollagen und das Schreiben mit Bildern zu wahren poetischen Kunstwerken erheben – eine Kombination aus Schere und Papier mit tiefsinniger Bedeutung. Worte begegnen uns überall, und jedes von ihnen ist in der Lage, eine ganze Geschichte zu erzählen. Wir werden gemeinsam Buchstaben und Wörter aus Zeitungen, Zeitschriften und Werbebroschüren ausschneiden. Mit unseren Lebensentwürfen, Erfahrungen und einem feministischen Sinn für Gestaltung setzen wir diese Fragmente zu neuen Texten zusammen und komponieren fesselnde Collagen.

Herta Müller’in “kolaj-şiirsel” yazı tekniğinden esinlenen bu atölyede, kelime kolajlarını ve imgelerle yazmayı makas ve kağıdın derin anlamlarla birleşimine ve şiirsel sanat eserlerine dönüştüreceğiz. Tek bir kelime bütün bir hikayeyi anlatma kapasitesine sahiptir. Onlarla her yerde karşılaşırız. Gazetelerden, dergilerden ve reklam broşürlerinden kestiğimiz harfleri ve kelimeleri, hayat planlarımız, deneyimlerimiz ve feminist bir tasarım anlayışıyla yeni metinlere dönüştürecek ve büyüleyici kolajlar oluşturacağız.

Word collages and writing using Herta Müller’s technique – Poetic works of art with scissors and paper

Nobel Prize winner Herta Müller (born August 17, 1953 in Nitzkydorf, Romania) is a Romanian-German writer who grew up in the Romanian Banat and emigrated to Germany in 1987. In her works, Müller addresses the consequences of the communist dictatorship in Romania. 

Herta Müller is a great collector of words. For years, she has been hoarding old newspapers, magazines and advertising brochures, cutting out words and letters from them and then gluing them together to create postcard-sized works of art. Her books such as “Die blassen Herren mit Mokkatassen”, “Vater telefoniert mit den Fliegen” and “Im Heimweh ist ein blauer Saal” … etc. continue the collection: surprising text images full of magic and riddles. Pure poetry.


Photo credit: Olesya Kleymenova

In this workshop, we will physically cut out the letters, words and images from newspapers, magazines and advertising brochures to create new texts using the collage technique. We will deconstruct the established text and try to achieve alternative poetic meanings. The objective is to articulate personal feelings, experiences, life trajectories, within the realm of a feminist creative space. 

The workshop guides the participants through the intricacies of Müller’s collage craftsmanship, empowering them to express themselves. Embracing a synthesis of diverse media, including textual and visual elements, one can achieve versatile results.


Herta Müller’in “kolaj-şiirsel” yazı tekniğinden esinlenen bu atölyede, kelime kolajlarını ve imgelerle yazmayı makas ve kağıdın derin anlamlarla birleşimine ve şiirsel sanat eserlerine dönüştüreceğiz. Tek bir kelime bütün bir hikayeyi anlatma kapasitesine sahiptir. Onlarla her yerde karşılaşırız. Gazetelerden, dergilerden ve reklam broşürlerinden kestiğimiz harfleri ve kelimeleri, hayat planlarımız, deneyimlerimiz ve feminist bir tasarım anlayışıyla yeni metinlere dönüştürecek ve büyüleyici kolajlar oluşturacağız.

Documentation of a workshop in the frame of “Das Goldenen Buch” using Herta Müller’ s technique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcOnHvWf3_M&t=1s

The Fan/Zine workshop series “Das Goldene Buch” (VERLINKEN: https://dasgoldenebuch.org/archive) is a SHIFT supported project by Fabrikraum (VERLINKEN: https://www.fabrikraum.org/)


The workshop will be hold in german/english/turkish

REGISTRATION workshop: info@dasgoldenebuch.org (please mention, which date you wanna join)

References Zine workshop: https://dasgoldenebuch.org/archive


With the kind support:

Deniz Güvensoy & Sezer Dilan Zırhlı

Presenter Photo

Deniz Güvensoy is an artist, curator, and cultural researcher. She received her Doctorate in Fine Arts degree from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in Istanbul. After working as an editor, art critic, and assistant professor in Istanbul, she moved to Vienna in 2016. Since 2017, she has been working on her second doctoral research project in the PhD in Philosophy program at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. In her research and artistic practice, she focuses on the mobility of socially excluded bodies, bordering, visual politics, and political performativity. She is the chairwoman of the project space and art association, Fabrikraum Kultur und Kunstverein.

Sezer Dilan Zırhlı
Idea, workshop leader and artistic concept development of "Das Goldene Buch" – Projekt.
Sezer Dilan Zırhlı lives and works in Vienna. She completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A) and her pedagogical training for the teaching profession in Turkish Language & Literature in Turkey, as well as her Master's degree in Turkology at the University of Vienna. She is currently studying for a PhD in Philosophy in Arts and Cultural Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts and is pursuing her doctoral research. She works as a freelance writer, literary critic and editor for various magazines. Her artistic work focuses mainly on fanzines, mixed media, installations and collages. She is co-founder of the collective Kunst&Zine Nase Zine. She has been a board member of the art and culture association Fabrikraum since 2018, and in her artistic and theoretical works she strives to challenge the limits of what is conceivable and feasible.


Tür Policy: FLIT only

Anmeldung: info@dasgoldenebuch.org

Datum: 15. 03. 2024

Uhrzeit: 17:00 – 20:00

