audio post production workshop

december 16 – 7pm

audio post production workshop

with theresa schubert

[for beginners]


This workshop will give you an introduction to recording, editing, mixing sound

as well as exporting different file formats and using a variety of plug-Ins.

We will look into online platforms to download/upload sounds and noises

and check out useful open source applications.

Previous to the workshop please make sure you downloaded and/or installed ‘Audacity’


And this helpful plugin to export in mp3 file format:

http://audacity.sourceforge. net/help/faq?s=install&i=lame-mp3

If you have access to a laptop, please bring it in.

Please also bring audiomaterial or music you’ve recorded, so we can do some experimentation!!!


Search & Find

Publish & Share

hier noch links zu theresa schuberts arbeiten:

und noch ein link zu creative commons, da wir ja auch über die verwertung von material gesprochen hatten:



I. Setup, Audio Import and Playback

1. Create a new project

Save it. Audacity writes all the changed and recorded audio to a directory called Projectname_data, which is

located right where you saved the project file itself.

2. Check the Preferences!

3. Import an audio file

There are three ways to do this:

– Simply drag and drop the audio file in to the Audacity window.

– Select Import Audio … in the Project menu.

– Use the keyboard Shortcut: CTRL+I

Audacity can import WAV, AIFF, AU, IRCAM, MP3 and OGG files.

II. Recording with Audacity

Make sure your playback and recording device are set. If you’re going to record a stereo signal, set the number of

channels to record to 2 (Stereo) on the Audio I/O preferences.

When picking a device to record from, make sure you’ve set up all the connections properly, such as plugging a

microphone in to the Mic Input, and any other device in to the Line In of your sound card. Then check that the

gain level knob (the amount by how much the input should be amplified) of the mixer of your soundcard is set


Hit Record

III. Cut, Copy and Paste

1. Making a selection

To select the part you wish to cut, copy or paste to, use the selection tool . If it’s not activated, do so now by

clicking on it in the toolbar.

Now press and hold the left mouse button while you drag the mouse to mark an area. This area is darker than the

surrounding area of the clip. Note, that even though you can mark an area larger than or extending beyond the

actual audio clip in the track, the operations will only work on the actual clip. Playback however will work outside

the clip.

To extend or contract your selection, hold down the SHIFT button and click on the area you wish your selection

to extend or contract to.

2. Cutting the selection

Cut the selection by selecting “Cut” from the Edit menu … or press CTRL+X.

To undo this operation, select Undo in the Edit menu or press CTRL+Z

Copy will copy the selection to the clipboard.

You can then paste that data back in to any track by clicking where you want this audio to be inserted and select

Paste in the Edit menu … or press CTRL+V.

IV. Silence, Duplicate and Split

1. Silencing unwanted sources

This operation flattens the selection. It essentially is a cut operation without deleting the selection completely.

After all, if you cut a second away, nothing remains. Using the Silence operation will still leave you with a flatlined


Keyboard Shortcut: CTRL+L

2. Duplicate

The selected area gets copied, a new track is created and the copied material is pasted in to that new track at the

same point in the timeline.

A special note on performance:

The new piece of audio isn’t actually copied on the hard disk. Audacity will still play from the original audio file(s)

until you change a piece of it.

Keyboard Shortcut: CTRL+D

3. Split

This performs the same as Duplicate, but it also silences the selected material, after copying it to a new track.

Keyboard Shortcut: CTRL+Y

V. Export audio file

1. On the menu choose export as .wav to burn on CD

2. On the menu choose export as .mp3 for internet/podcast