Category: workshop (Page 2 of 4)

zwei Kinder-Elektronik-Workshops am 30.Mai!!!!


Liebe Eltern!

Am 30. Mai 2015 wird es im Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory wieder zwei Kinder-Elektronik-Workshops geben, die von Studierenden des IKL gehalten werden.

Dieses Mal stehen zwei Workshops auf dem Programm:

Lass dein Monster raus!

12:00 bis 15:00
für Kinder zwischen 8 und 12 Jahren.
Materialkostenbeitrag 5 Euro für Buzzer, LEDs und Batterien.
alte Socken und T-Shirts willkommen!


15:00 bis 18:00
für Kinder zwischen 6 und 10 Jahren.
Materialkostenbeitrag: 4 Euro für Batterien und LEDs.
Anmeldung unter der Telefonnummer 0650/2429712.
Wir freuen uns auf viele kleine ElektrobastlerInnen, Sockenleuchtmonster und Roboschmetterlinge!

Zine Workshop: Not a Cupcake by Nina Prader :: 18th March at 18h

Zine Workshop: Not a Cupcake by Nina Prader


A zine is a radical piece of paper.
Suffragettes used printed flyers to spread the word about women’s lib.
DIY riot girrrls used paper booklets as a megaphone for creative manifestos.
A medium to dissent, inform, and play.
Learn how to make a simple book from one piece of paper and some basic book making techniques from glueing, printing, to distribution.
Tools and materials will be provided. Bring your ideas.
By the end you will be ready to start your own D.I.Y. press at home, at work and with friends.

Nina Prader, MA

When: 18.03.2015
Where: Sechshauserstraße 28, 1150 Vienna, Austria
Mz Baltazar’s Lab workshops are only for women & trans* people and are free of charge!

Donations, food & drinks are welcome!

Register with a short e-mail with title of the event to:






ATTINY workshop for beginnners : : November 5th : : 7pm

Many might have heard of Arduino and Arduina already, a microcontroler board that makes it easier to translate e.g. touch into light, variable distance between people into changing tones of sound, increasing brightness into increasing motor movement…

ATTINY can do the same, but is much cheaper and smaller. It allows many new applications since it only needs 2,7 – 5,5 Volt. It could be more sustainable and accessible for uses in the global south, but is also popular in wearable technology.

In this Workshop we will program an ATTINY to receive input in form of a sensor and create output in form of light. You are welcome to bring own electronic parts that you would like use in your little project.

– electric menstruation calendar
– water quality tester
– noise instrument
– cat feeder
– sex toy
– robot
– disco light / bike light

– bird house add-on

– there are endless other ways to use it….

NOVEMBER 5th, 2014
7pm – 10pm



Please bring a laptop if you can
and download the Arduino environment on:

MAPPING PARTY with district walking tour : : 6–8pm on the 3rd of September


with Yuwei Lin and Manuela Schmidt

mapping party yuwei und manuela

Maps based on OpenStreetMap data. Toner and watercolor style by Stamen.

This mapping party will begin with a short introduction on OpenStreetMap, underlining the importance and usefulness of a free/open source geographic data and geographic information system. Then, participants will go on a walking tour in the local area (near Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory) using Field Papers to validate, add, or change existing geographic data. After the tour, there will be a practical demonstration about how to upload the data and how to edit OpenStreetMap.
Continue reading

FEBRUARY 6th : : : Computer instrument design principles for ensemble performances




Computer instrument design principles for ensemble performances





february 6th, 18.00h


at Miss Baltazar’s Lab

Sechshauserstraße 28

1150 Vienna


women and trans only

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: : Mz Balthazar’s Laboratory in Brussels : : : : Thursday 30 May – 1 June 2013, 14:00-18:00

: : Mz Balthazar’s Laboratory in Brussels : :
: When: Thursday 30 May – 1 June 2013, 14:00-18:00
: With: Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory, with Lale Rodgarkia-Dara (AT) & Patricia Reis (PT)
: Where: Pianofabriek Exhibition space, Rue du Fortstraat 35, 1060 Brussel, Belgium,
: (very near the Brussels Midi:Zuid train station where the Eurostar & Thalys arrive)
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :


: : About the workshop: Electronics & ArduinA introduction : :

This workshop aims to introduce the basics of electronics, focusing on what is essential for exploiting the open source Arduino platform, and therefore, to build things using different kinds of in and out-puts. We propose a relaxed approach in which questioning is part of the process, and we aim to provide a pleasant environment for exploring, playing with the tools and above all having fun!

The workshop is only for persons who call themselves women or trans. If you love to make things, rather than consuming them, join us!

: : Contents : :

– Playing with electronic components and building circuits./ Soldering & wiring up. Working with Arduino & understanding code basics./ Playing with sensors./ Building an interactive device/ art piece.

: : For more information, please contact wendy atttt, also about informal lodging and for other questions

This workshop is part of the Ruelles project and is supported by Constant as a Samedies event.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory is a feminist hackerspace and an artist collective based in Vienna. They work with open source technology and philosophy, in a women only space, operating a non-­‐ hierachic teaching and informal learning context. The lab offers women space to appropriate electronics and realize interactive art projects. In a three days workshop they will hack hardware, make noise, build angst-­‐robots and program open source software. A lot of “stupid” tech questions will be asked as well as art projects will be developed together. No one is an expert, no one is only student, equipment and knowledge are shared in order to articulate yourselves through high tech in novel ways.

Miss Baltazar's Lab workshops in Christiania – Copenhagen April 2013 – only women and trans


In a three-day workshop we will hack hardware, make noise and produce stencils with open-source software. We will ask a lot of “dumb” questions and also develop technology together to accomplish an artistic project. No expert is required for participants. We want to share our knowledge and equipment and use the opensource tools of technology to express ouservelves in a new way. Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory offers to women and trans the opportunity to acquire skills in electronics and programing to realize interactive projects. The workshops will be held on Fridays at 15h in Maelkeboetten/ Christiania.

Please sign in or ask questions in on our facebook page:

Price per workshop: material costs

Artists & Workshops

Maria Hera “Ma soer cent têtes” Stencil workshop

12.04.2013 at 15h


Ma soeur cent têtes is a gender-feminist street-art project. Maria Hera collected biographies of women who did interesting things in the past/future, made stencils out of their portraits and sprayed it in public space. Every stencil is basically provided with a bar- or QR-code witch leads to the wiki- or website of the shown woman.

The workshop is structured in the following way: depending to possibilities a viewing of the stencils on location or online is intended. Hereby the intention and concept are presented. In the second part the participants can learn the technic, according to individual interests, by creating self-chosen females or by cutting all ready existing stencils and spray them. The workshop empowers the participants to realize individual ideas or participate as a multiplicator in the process of publishing the women heroes.

Patrícia J. Reis – Electronics & Arduino Introduction Workshop

19.04.2013 at 15h


This workshop aims to introduce the basics of electronics, focusing on what is essential for exploiting the open source Arduino platform and therefore to build things using different kinds of in and out-puts. We propose a relaxed approach and we aim to provide a pleasant environment for exploring, playing with the tools and above all having fun!

Christine Schörkhuber – The beauty of distorsion visual generation without laptop

26.04.2013 at 15h


This workshop provides features to create visuals without the use of a laptop. In a playful way the powerful technical “magic box” is demystified and hacked.

Electric disturbance signals generated by Audio Signals are used to create abstract video landscapes. To open up cables and learn how to modify the signals is a first insight into the operating mode of signal transmission and basic electronics.

“Beauty of distorsion” is a glitch art project on the intersection of Video Art, Sound Art and Literature.


With thanks to our Founding Partners: Statens Kunstrad Danish Arts Council & Osterreichische Botschaft in Copenhagen who have made this workshop series possible.


Bildschirmfoto 2013-03-27 um 23.38.04Logo Botschaft


Workshop at Maker Space in Copenhagen

Interactive Art Workshop

for women and trans

with stefanie wuschitz (A) and lesley flanigan (USA) 

Workshop: March 22nd, 23rd, and 24th

Open Lab: March 25th, 26th, and 27th

10am to 9pm


entry: 400 danish krone | number of participants: 15


In this art-technology workshop, Stefanie Wuschitz (Vienna) teams up with Lesley Flanigan (New York) to playfully demystify technology and open up an atmosphere where learning new technological tools is fearless, interesting and clear for women and trans artists.


Using a grab bag of materials that include graphite, plexiglass, conductive thread, recycled electronics, microcontrollers and various sensors, participants learn to create simple systems for interactive art by merging both digital and analog materials in fluid, poetic ways.







Logo Botschaft





Bildschirmfoto 2013-03-27 um 23.38.04


While participants are free to explore the tools and technologies at their own pace, we encourage them to ask many questions and share their knowledge with other workshop participants. We expect our participant’s energy to be equally spent on exploring new outlets for self expression as well as learning the basic technical skills used in making interactive technology.

We invite creative and curious women and trans ages 16 and up to join us for an intensive workshop this March at Labitat (H. C. Ørsteds Vej 5, 1879 Frederiksberg, CPH), an independent makerspace working with diverse individuals to bridge interactive technology with design and art. While previous programming experience is helpful, it is not required! The workshop will take place on March 22, 23, 24 all day. Participants are asked to commit their time fully on all three worshop days in order to contribute to the focused, creative working environment the experience fosters. Starting on the 24th you will be supported in making your own project for the exhibition.


On the evening of March 29th we will present all projects in small a public event. The freshly developed pieces will be on display to the public until the 31st of March 2013 at Science Friction (Sankt Hans Gade 26 a kld, 2200, CPH).


Please register by sending an email introducing yourself and your interest in the workshop to:









Workshop Tamara Wilhelm

13.6. 2012, 19:00 – 21:00

Tamara Wilhelm studierte am Institut für Komposition und Elektroakustik an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Wien.Sie beschäftigt sich mit elektronischer und elektroakustischer Musik, Klanginstallationen, Soundscapes und Homemade Soundelectronics. Mitglied von z.b.:…, lupov cocoliv, rheuma 3000, möstrom, Gemüseorchester uvm.

In diesem Workshop wird ein Einblick in den experimentellen elektronischen Instrumentenbau gegeben, es wird mit soundgeneratoren und elektronischen noise gearbeitet.



An Analog Artist working in a Digital World

Wednesday, 30.05.2012, 7pm

Miss Baltazar Office Museumsquariter

Nicole M. Boitos is Künstlerin, Illustratorin und Tätowiererin aus den Vereinigen Staaten (Philadelphia, New York), die momentan in Wien arbeitet.
Die Künstlerin gibt im Rahmen von Mz. Baltazars Laboratory einen offenen Workshop zur gemeinsamen Entwicklung von einfachen Schaltkreisen.

Die Künstlerin wird ausserdem über ihre Karriere als freischaffende Künstlerin sprechen, sowie über den Einfluss von digitaler Technologie auf ihre Arbeit, bei der sie eher mit direkten analogen Methoden arbeitet.

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