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Maria Hera – Sideways // Next show at the Luftsteuer Exhibition Project // Work-in-progress: 20.7. – 7.8 //









Maria Hera

Luftsteuer – show window project

Mz. Baltazars Laboratory, Sechshauserstraße 28/1150 Wien



About Maria Hera’s project for the exhibition at the Luftsteuer show window:

“My first years in Vienna I spent walking along the streets, exploring this beautiful city. I was
not just interested in the architecture, parks and places, but also in the people and their
stories. I have the strange habit to pay a relaxed attention on the things lying on the
streets. My fantasy starts spinning around, asking questions and imagining the stories
behind the leftover objects.
In the photo-series Viennese Blood, 2009 I show the surprising amount of discarded drug
packaging lying in the streets. I found this phenomenon quite amazing and I asked myself
whether this could be the post-modern vestiges of the city of Freud.
Who are these people leaving all this packaging behind day after day?
Why do these inhabitants of Vienna feel the need to medicate themselves in such
What is the cause of their sleeplessness, restlessness, and unhappiness?
Is this the dark side of the easy-going Viennese Schmäh?
Every foil-covered blister pack represents some synthesised chemical which is circulating
the blood-stream in our fellow citizens.
In this period I collected also lots of notes, letters, photographs, even certifications lying on
the streets.
For the show at Mz Balthazars Lab I will open again the box and let out the
Voices of my Viennese fellows. Once again I want to open the dialogue and start a
communication by installing this tiny stories into the window-shop of the lab, in order to
bring them again into the public and open once eyes for the hidden beauty of everyday´s

Maria Hera, July, 2013.


About the artist:

Maria Hera was born in 1978 in Hunedoara-Romania. 2002-2007 she studied fine arts at the University of Applied Arts and Science Hannover/DE at Prof. Sigrun Jakubaschke und Prof. Bernhard Garbert. 2007-2008 she attended the master class of Prof. Bernhardt Garbert. Since 2008 Maria Hera lives and works in Vienna.

Her artistic work is focuses on collage, installation and space intervention, photography and street art. The collages are huge papers excrescences rampling all over the walls and creates her own synthesis out of the daily barrage of media images to decode the messages they submit to us and turn them into questions rather than answers.

Selected exhibitions/projects:

Seherin2012 (Fürth-DE), Miss baltazar´s laboratory (Vienna–AT), GIVE ME THE FUTURE  (Cluj Napoca-RO), GASTSPIEL2012 (Fürth-DE), Parque del Sol 12 symposium of interdisciplinary art St. (Poelten-AT), Ma soeur 100 tetes (world wide), FREE.SPACE social art FESTIVAL (Vienna-AT), Das Feuer, das der Sonne spottet  (Hannover – DE), Homecoming (Hannover – DE), Frauenforscherin/feminist university calender (Vienna-AT), offen2 Kunstraum Benjamin Richard (Leipzig-DE), 99 Red Balloons (Ottawa-CA) Parco di Arte, Roveredo (Tessin-CH), course instructor Romanian Culture Institute (Vienna-AT), Meisterschüler 08, Foro Artistico (Hannover-DE), WIP, Rolleizentrum (Braunschweig-DE) Kreuz und Quer Marktkirche/Kestnergesellschaft (Hannover-DE) 3 feb 2006 Atelier Grammophon (Hannover-DE).


About Luftsteuer show window project & Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory

The mission of the Luftsteuer Exhibition Project (2013) is to encourage and support solo exhibition projects by artists who call themselves women or trans. The exhibition program is a Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory project, currently based in a ground-floor atelier at Sechshauserstraße 28, in 15th district, Vienna. Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory is non-profit organization that playfully demystifies technology by opening up a world where learning new technological tools is fearless, interesting and clear for creative women of all ages. MzBL participants and organizers come from different backgrounds and mindsets to exchange equipment, knowledge, build circuits, play with DIY electronics and interactive art. We encourage each other to learn new tools and collaborate in theory and art groups, workshops and meetings, therefore creating a tech-save women community.


Notes for editors:

Work-in-progress dates: 20th July – 7th August

Finissage Party: 7th August

Exhibition (inside) space, open during the exhibition opening and other days by appointment to

High resolution images and logos are available on request.


Contact detail/ enquires:

Curator: Christine Schörkhuber <>


Artist: Maria Hera. Tel: 0605478565 Email: Maria Hera



: : Mz Balthazar’s Laboratory in Brussels : : : : Thursday 30 May – 1 June 2013, 14:00-18:00

: : Mz Balthazar’s Laboratory in Brussels : :
: When: Thursday 30 May – 1 June 2013, 14:00-18:00
: With: Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory, with Lale Rodgarkia-Dara (AT) & Patricia Reis (PT)
: Where: Pianofabriek Exhibition space, Rue du Fortstraat 35, 1060 Brussel, Belgium,
: (very near the Brussels Midi:Zuid train station where the Eurostar & Thalys arrive)
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :


: : About the workshop: Electronics & ArduinA introduction : :

This workshop aims to introduce the basics of electronics, focusing on what is essential for exploiting the open source Arduino platform, and therefore, to build things using different kinds of in and out-puts. We propose a relaxed approach in which questioning is part of the process, and we aim to provide a pleasant environment for exploring, playing with the tools and above all having fun!

The workshop is only for persons who call themselves women or trans. If you love to make things, rather than consuming them, join us!

: : Contents : :

– Playing with electronic components and building circuits./ Soldering & wiring up. Working with Arduino & understanding code basics./ Playing with sensors./ Building an interactive device/ art piece.

: : For more information, please contact wendy atttt, also about informal lodging and for other questions

This workshop is part of the Ruelles project and is supported by Constant as a Samedies event.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory is a feminist hackerspace and an artist collective based in Vienna. They work with open source technology and philosophy, in a women only space, operating a non-­‐ hierachic teaching and informal learning context. The lab offers women space to appropriate electronics and realize interactive art projects. In a three days workshop they will hack hardware, make noise, build angst-­‐robots and program open source software. A lot of “stupid” tech questions will be asked as well as art projects will be developed together. No one is an expert, no one is only student, equipment and knowledge are shared in order to articulate yourselves through high tech in novel ways.

Next show at the Luftsteuer Exhibition Project // Miss Baltazar's Laboratory // Opening on the 15th May




Ana de Almeida



“This program is presented in the new PALPlus panoramic format, supported by the European Union”.  


In 1997 RTP, the Portuguese public broadcaster started to include a few programs featured in a 16:9 format. Two white arrows would stretch the image in the television screen and the stars of the European Union flag would appear whirling, meanwhile a strong male voice off briefly presented the new format and the Union as its supporter. Afterwards the show would start.

Following the presentation of the new 16:9 analogical PALPlus format at the International Consumer Electronics Exhibition in Berlin, in 1993, the European Union approved a plan to support the production and broadcast of 16:9 programs. This standardization process was considered mainly to be an attempt of approximation to the cinematographic wide screen format.


Standardization processes are something that we are used to and that we easily relate to the European Union, quality and safety and yet uniformazation is a negatively connoted term binded with a (constantly updated) collective memory of totalitarianism.


At the Mz.Baltazar’s display I will present the first outcomes of an artistic research about the historical, political and practical aspects of image formatting.

The main question of my research is the one of in which way did the conversion to the 16:9 wide screen format, agreed upon by the European Union and the United States constituted a fundamental piece for the construction of an European identity?

The first stage of this project leads to a reflection upon the relation between image formatting decisions and the audiovisual market. Are these also practical decisions that have in view an internationalization and democratization of the image, or do they only serve economic purposes, as the production of new devices and equipments?

The power of uniformization and standardization always belonged to the biggest economical powers and 4:3 to 16:9 is a global process that shapes the production and reception of the moving image.



About the artist:

Ana de Almeida is from Lisbon, Portugal.

She lives and works in Vienna.


About Windowshop project & Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory

The mission of the Luftsteuer Exhibition Project (2013) is to encourage and support solo exhibition projects by artists who call themselves women or trans. The exhibition program is a Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory project, currently based in a ground-floor atelier at Sechshauserstraße 28, in 15th district, Vienna. Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory is non-profit organization that playfully demystifies technology by opening up a world where learning new technological tools is fearless, interesting and clear for creative women of all ages. Mz. Baltazar’s participants and organizers come from different backgrounds and mindsets to exchange equipment, knowledge, build circuits, play with DIY electronics and interactive art. We encourage each other to learn new tools and collaborate in theory and art groups, workshops and meetings, therefore creating a tech women community.


Ein Luftsteuer – show window Projekt


“This program is presented in the new PALPlus panoramic format, supported by the European Union”.

1997 begann die öffentlich-rechtliche Fernsehanstalt in Portugal einige Sendungen im neuen 16:9 Format zu lancieren. Auf dem Bildschirm erschienen zwei weiße Pfeile die das Fernsehbild auseinanderziehen und die Sterne der EU-Flagge zu kreisen beginnen. Aus dem Off ertönt eine markante Männerstimme, die in kurzen Sätzen das neue Format und die EU als dessen Unterstützerin vorstellt. Danach beginnt die Show.

Die portugiesische Künstlerin Ana de Almeida erforscht in ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit Uniforma, anhand des oben beschriebenen Ereignisses im Portugiesischen Fernsehen, inwieweit Standardisierungsprozesse dazu beitragen eine gemeinsame europäische Identität zu formen. Dabei lotet sie den schmalen Grat zwischen Qualitätssicherung, Vereinfachung und Einheitlichkeit einerseits und der im Kollektiven Gedächtnis als negativ und erschreckend konnotierten Erfahrungen von Gleichmacherei und Totalitarismus aus.

Die Künstlerin

Ana de Almeida, geboren in Lissabon / PT, Studierte Mixed Media Art und Malerei am Lahti Institute of Fine Arts, Finland und Lissabon Faculty of Fine Arts, Portugal.
2011 absolvierte sie einen Master of Critical Studies an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Wien.
Ana de Ameida lebt und arbeitet in Wien.





Pure Data Workshop with Daniela Riedl :: 22nd April 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Pure Data Workshop

The second workshop taking place at Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory as part of the festival Fest.spielen organised by the ÖH.Monday April 22nd 2013, 4 pm till 8 pm with

An introdution into Pure Data (Pd).
Please take your notebooks with you!

Pure Data (Abgekürzt: Pd) ist eine Programmiersprache die visuelle Programmierung benutzt. Wie auch Max/Msp wurde sie von Miller Puckette entwickelt, ist aber im Gegensatz zu Max/Msp frei erhältlich, und besitzt eine aktive Entwicklergemeinschaft.

In diesem Workshop werden wir Pd installieren und für unser Audiosystem konfigurieren,
grundlegende Funktionen und Hilfestellungen des Programms durchgehen und ein paar einfache Patches zur Audiobearbeitung erstellen.
Ziel des Workshop ist es, einen Einblick in die Arbeitsweise mit Pd zu erhalten um in weiterer Folge selbständig damit arbeiten zu können.

Unbedingt Notebooks mitnehmen!pd


Miss Baltazar's Lab workshops in Christiania – Copenhagen April 2013 – only women and trans


In a three-day workshop we will hack hardware, make noise and produce stencils with open-source software. We will ask a lot of “dumb” questions and also develop technology together to accomplish an artistic project. No expert is required for participants. We want to share our knowledge and equipment and use the opensource tools of technology to express ouservelves in a new way. Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory offers to women and trans the opportunity to acquire skills in electronics and programing to realize interactive projects. The workshops will be held on Fridays at 15h in Maelkeboetten/ Christiania.

Please sign in or ask questions in on our facebook page:

Price per workshop: material costs

Artists & Workshops

Maria Hera “Ma soer cent têtes” Stencil workshop

12.04.2013 at 15h


Ma soeur cent têtes is a gender-feminist street-art project. Maria Hera collected biographies of women who did interesting things in the past/future, made stencils out of their portraits and sprayed it in public space. Every stencil is basically provided with a bar- or QR-code witch leads to the wiki- or website of the shown woman.

The workshop is structured in the following way: depending to possibilities a viewing of the stencils on location or online is intended. Hereby the intention and concept are presented. In the second part the participants can learn the technic, according to individual interests, by creating self-chosen females or by cutting all ready existing stencils and spray them. The workshop empowers the participants to realize individual ideas or participate as a multiplicator in the process of publishing the women heroes.

Patrícia J. Reis – Electronics & Arduino Introduction Workshop

19.04.2013 at 15h


This workshop aims to introduce the basics of electronics, focusing on what is essential for exploiting the open source Arduino platform and therefore to build things using different kinds of in and out-puts. We propose a relaxed approach and we aim to provide a pleasant environment for exploring, playing with the tools and above all having fun!

Christine Schörkhuber – The beauty of distorsion visual generation without laptop

26.04.2013 at 15h


This workshop provides features to create visuals without the use of a laptop. In a playful way the powerful technical “magic box” is demystified and hacked.

Electric disturbance signals generated by Audio Signals are used to create abstract video landscapes. To open up cables and learn how to modify the signals is a first insight into the operating mode of signal transmission and basic electronics.

“Beauty of distorsion” is a glitch art project on the intersection of Video Art, Sound Art and Literature.


With thanks to our Founding Partners: Statens Kunstrad Danish Arts Council & Osterreichische Botschaft in Copenhagen who have made this workshop series possible.


Bildschirmfoto 2013-03-27 um 23.38.04Logo Botschaft


Frauen texten-Frauen lesen, 4.4. 19:00

Es lesen die Autorinnen Doris Nußbaumer,  Helga Pankratz und Lale Rodgarkia-Dara sowie Ruth Ranacher aus der Publikation
Musik:     C.
Christine Schörkhuber

Lesung und Publikumsgespräch
“Frauen texten – Frauen lesen”

Die Autorinnenlesung “Linkes Wort am Volksstimmefest” im September 2011
war dem 100. Internationalen Frauentag gewidmet. Die 2012 im Wiener
Globus Verlag erschienene Anthologie versammelt alle für diese Lesung
geschriebenen Texte von insgesamt 23 Autorinnen aus Österreich und
Im Rahmen einer Lesung wird die Anthologie mit ausgewählten
Beiträgen vorgestellt und mit dem Publikum diskutiert.

3.4. 18:00 upside down – die Camera Obscura


Carolina Frank

Fotografie mal andersherum: Die FotografIn nicht vor der Kamera, sondern IN der Kamera.

Wir bauen eine “Dunkle Kammer/Zimmer” (Camera Obscura) und beobachten, wie das fotografische Prinzip funktioniert. Mit ein bisschen Geduld (So eine große Kamera hat lange Belichtungszeiten!) halten wir das Geschehen vor unserer Kamera auf Fotopapier fest und entwickeln dies in der Dunkelkammer vor Ort.



Photography upside-down: The photographer is not in front of the camera, but INside the camera. We built a darkroom (camera obscura) and watch, how the photographical principe is working. With a litte paticence (such a big camera has looong exposure times) we fix the scenery on photopater and develop it in a darkroom on location.


Exhibition: Penetrating the black box Patrícia J. Reis

foto_press_vrDie portugiesische Medienkünstlerin Patricia eröffnet mit ihrer ersten Soloausstellung in Wien am 23.3. um 18:00 die neue Ausstellungsfläche “Luftsteuer” in der Sechshauserstrasse 28/2.
Patrícia J. Reis reflektiert die photographische Apparatur als eine “black box” und verwendet sie als eine Metapher für die Beziehung zwischem dem privaten und dem öffentlichen Stellenwert des Bildes. Inspiriert von Vilém Flusser’s Schriften über die Photographie, legt die Künstlerin seine Konzepte von Freiheit, Glauben, Vertrauen und Macht auf den mechanischen Apparatus um und beobachtet vor diesem Hintergrund, wie der Arbeitsprozess von Maschinen in der heutigen Zeit mehr und mehr unnachvollziehbar wird.
In dieser Ausstellung präsentiert die Künstlerin eine Installation in zwei Schaufenstern, die einen introspektiven Blick in die Apparatur selbst gibt und es vom visuellen Motiv trennt. Im ersten Fenster zeigt sie einen mechanischen Apparat, der automatisch alternierend zwei Fotoapparate in einer black box bedient, im zweiten Fenster zeigt sich Auswirkungen der Interaktion beoabachten. Im inneren Ausstellungsbereich legt die die Dokumentation und Illustration den komplexen technischen und theoretischen Prozess des Ausstellungsobjektes dar.

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