Category: artist talk

Kunst Hardware Feminismus 


Master Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften | Abteilung Kulturwissenschaften 

mit Lydia Baumgartner, Meret Caderas, Reni Hofmüller, Jana Lill, Korinna Lindinger, Pia Michalko, Luise Nübling, Barbara Praher, Jul Marian, Claudia Stoleru, Eva Topić, Patrícia J. Reis und Stefanie Wuschitz 

30. Jänner 2024 16–20 Uhr 

Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory 

Feministische Medienkunstpositionen stellen die materiellen und strukturellen Bedingungen einer von Technologie durchdrungenen Welt zur Diskussion. Zwischen Ermächtigung, Entzauberung und Sichtbarmachung ist Hardware dabei Material und Thema einer kritischen, spekulativen wie emanzipatorischen künstlerischen Auseinandersetzung. 

Die Open-Source-Soirée lädt zur Debatte rund um feministisches Hacking und ethische Technologieentwicklung. Anlass sind künstlerische Forschungsartefakte und kulturwissenschaftliche Projekte von Student*innen des Projektgebundenen Seminars ‘Kunst. Hardware. Feminismus’. 

Die Open-Source-Soirée ist der Auftakt zum öffentlichen Semesterabschluss des Masterstudiums Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften. Am 31. Jänner 2024 findet daran anschließend die Tagung ‘Expanded Cinema, Handwerk und Empathie’ im Hörsaal 1 der Universität für angewandte Kunst statt.

Link Veranstaltung:


Kunst Hardware Feminismus 


Master Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften | Abteilung Kulturwissenschaften 

with Lydia Baumgartner, Meret Caderas, Reni Hofmüller, Jana Lill, Korinna Lindinger, Pia Michalko, Luise Nübling, Barbara Praher, Jul Marian, Claudia Stoleru, Eva Topić, Patrícia J. Reis and Stefanie Wuschitz 

January 30th, 2024, 4–8 p.m.

Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory 

Jägerstraße 52–54

1200 Vienna

Feminist media art positions put the material and structural conditions of a world permeated by technology up for discussion. In the spirit of empowerment, demystification and awareness, hardware is material and subject of a critical, speculative and emancipatory artistic debate. 

The Open-Source-Soirée invites you to debate feminist hacking and perspectives on ethical technology based on artistic research artifacts and cultural studies projects by students of the project-based seminar ‘Kunst. Hardware. Feminism’. The Open-Source-Soirée is part of the public closing event of the Master’s degree program in Art and Cultural Studies at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, followed by the conference ‘Expanded Cinema, Craft and Empathy’ in Lecture Hall 1/University of Applied Arts on January 31, 2024. 

If suitable:

Link Soirée:

Link Master:

Claims, Quests & Desires. Around the Table of Queer and Feminist Curating.

Round-Table & Think Lab with inputs, discussions, dialogues and poster production

18.11.2023, 14:00-17:00 Uhr (in German and English)

Mz*Baltazar’s Laboratory

***please register until Nov 16 via***


Denise Palmieri (performance artist and board member VBKÖ),

Thomas Trabitsch (interdisciplinary artist and part of the initiative Queer Museum Vienna)

Katharina Koch & Sylvia Sadzinski (artistic directors of alpha nova & galerie futura, Berlin)

Claims, Quests & Desires is a series of events organised by the feminist Berlin art space alpha nova & galerie futura in the form of a round table and think lab dedicated to various questions relating to feminist perspectives on the present and the future, developing strategies for feminist knowledge building and practices and forging alliances together with invited guests and other participants.

For this edition of Claims, Quests & Desires in Vienna, we would like to focus on curatorial practices and the production of feminist art spaces, exhibitions and working methods. Questions that concern us include: What do we mean by an intersectional (queer) feminist practice of curating? What issues, questions and problems arise in this regard? What political need for action do we see and define? To what extent can we speak of a we? What can solidary, inclusive structures and practices in the art field look like, be created and implemented? What alliances and coalitions are necessary for this? How do we work together?


Claims, Quests & Desires. Around the Table of Queer and Feminist Curating.

Round-Table & Think Lab mit Inputs, Diskussionen, Dialogen and Postergestaltung

18.11.2023, 14:00-17:00 Uhr (auf Deutsch und Englisch)

Mz*Baltazar’s Laboratory

***um Anmeldung bis zum 16.11. an wird gebeten***


Denise Palmieri (Performancekünstlerin und Vorstand VBKÖ),
Thomas Trabitsch (interdisziplinärer Künstler und Teil der Initiative Queer Museum Vienna)

Katharina Koch & Sylvia Sadzinski (künstlerische Leiterinnen von alpha nova & galerie futura, Berlin)

Claims, Quests & Desires ist eine Veranstaltungsreihe  des feministischen Berliner Kunstraums alpha nova & galerie futura in Form eines Round-Tables und Think Labs, die sich verschiedenen Fragen rund um feministische Gegenwartsperspektiven und Zukünfte widmet und gemeinsam mit eingeladenen Gästen und weiteren Teilnehmer*innen Handlungsstrategien für feministische Wissensbildung und Praxen entwickelt und Allianzen schmiedet.

Für die Ausgabe von Claims, Quests & Desires in Wien möchten wir den Schwerpunkt auf kuratorische Praxen und die Produktion feministischer Kunsträume, Ausstellungen und Arbeitsweisen legen. Fragen, die uns dabei beschäftigen sind u.a.: Was verstehen wir unter einer intersektionalen (queer-)feministischen Praxis des Kuratierens? Welche Themen, Fragen und Problematiken stellen sich in dieser Hinsicht? Welchen politischen Handlungsbedarf sehen und definieren wir? Inwiefern kann von einem Wir gesprochen werden? Wie können solidarische, inklusive Strukturen und Praxen im Kunstfeld aussehen, geschaffen und umgesetzt werden? Welche Allianzen und Bündnisse sind dafür notwendig? Wie arbeiten wir zusammen?




About the event:
Stephen Zepke’s reading ofLotta Ingman’s paintings is a sensitive and thoughtful analysis of what contemporary painting is today. With careful observations and elaborate lines of thought, philosopher Stephen Zepke introduces the reader to Ingman’s both playful and serious research into abstract painting.  A research that in Zepke’s words “strives to offer the spectator an aesthetic experience that transcends both the corporeal and conceptual dimension, enabling the painting to retain its enigmatic openness of meaning.”

Blend Together

Janine Schranz & Daniela Zeilinger


from March 12 – 26, 2022


Friday, March 11th, 7 – 10 p

Artist Talk: Sat, March 19th, 4 pm

with Michael Wonnerth-Magnusson


Sat, March 26th, 12 – 4 pm

Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours:

Fri 4 – 7 pm & Sat 12 – 4 pm und nach Voranmeldung and by appointment

Mz* Baltazar‘s Laboratory
Jägerstraße 52-54 A – 1200 Vienna

Die Ausstellung „Blend Together“ von Janine Schranz und Daniela Zeilinger, die im Rahmen der diesjährigen Foto Wien bei Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory präsentiert wird, schließt thematisch an die gemeinsame Ausstellung „Passepartout“, die 2021 im hoast in Wien zu sehen war, an. Galt die Aufmerksamkeit im letzten Jahr Prozessen des Auswählens, Croppens und Ausblendens, stehen diesmal Situationen der Transparenz und der Überblendung im Zentrum. Ging es im hoast um Techniken der Inklusion und Exklusion innerhalb einer gegebenen Architektur bzw. innerhalb des Bildfeldes, so wird die Ausstellungssituation bei Mz* Baltazar‘s auf Möglichkeiten der Kommunikation zwischen Innen und Außen, von Kunstwerk zu Kunstwerk, sowie zwischen Realraum und Bildraum befragt.


The exhibition “Blend Together” by Janine Schranz and Daniela Zeilinger is presented at Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory and part of this year’s Foto Wien. It thematically continues a joint exhibition called “Passepartout,” which has been on display at hoast in Vienna 2021. While last year’s show  focused on processes of selecting, cropping and fading out, the emphasis now is on situations of transparency and blending. While at hoast the focus was on techniques of inclusion and exclusion within a given architecture or within the image field, the exhibition at Mz* Baltazar’s Lab will examine possibilities of communication between inside and outside, from artwork to artwork, and between real space and image space.

Short Bios

Janine Schranz (*1985, Switzerland) is a visual artist and photographer currently living in Vienna (AT). In her practice she explores the (pre-)conditions of photography, its components and interrelations with architecture. Labor conditions, recording processes and the exhibition context play equal roles as working materials. In its essence, she understands photography as a time-based medium and puts bodily-spatial experiences in relation to visual perception and questions forms of (un-)documentation. She studied photography (Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland) and transdisciplinary arts (University of Applied Arts, Vienna).

 Daniela Zeilinger (*Linz/Austria) lives and works in Vienna. She studied fine arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna as well as dance, context, choreography at the UDK Berlin and free art at the Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee. The artist works at the interface of different disciplines, especially painting and photography. An ontological reflection upon the space of photographic images is a central motif. Her works, as analogue photographs, are created in a multi-layered process of transformation and translation. They oscillate between image and imagination, and photography and painting. Zeilinger’s works have been presented in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Germany and abroad. In 2020, the artist received the State Scholarship for Artistic Photography.

22 Aug 2014// 19h//Cinthia Mendonça co-founder of Nuvém a rural hack lab in Brasil //


Miss Baltazar’s Lab proudly presents:

Artist talk with:

Cinthia Mendonça
co-founder of Nuvém a rural hack lab in Brasil

22.August 2014, 19h
Sechshauserstraße 28
1150 Wien

this miss baltazar event is free and open to all genders

Presentation in ENG/ PT




Cinthia Mendonça will introduce the project Nuvém – a rural hack lab located between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo in Brasil. The project offers artist in residences in a transdisciplinary and environmental friendly context and aims to be a activist platform to promote feminist knowledge in a contralab approach.


Cinthia Mendonça is the Co-founder of Nuvem – estação rural de arte e tecnologia, a rural hacklab devoted to artistic residency programs, including the development of proposals based on collaborative and transdisciplinary work, at the intersection between arts, science, engineering, different technologies and community knowledge. Nuvem is also a space devoted to the development of technologies of minimal environmental impact technologies; it hosts several meetings, including the feminist meet-up Encontrada, already in its third edition. As a performance artist, Cinthia is interested in the investigation of themes related to body, subjectivity, machines, devices, gadgets and things.

More info here!





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ARTIST TALK WAI WAI ——— 18th of June at 6.30pm


Waiwai is a formally trained artist, self-taught coder and practicing witch. For the last year, Waiwai has been inhabiting in european forests, practicing hunting, herb lore, programming, to research links between primitive and post-industrialized technology and belief, and their relationship in terms of the recent collapsing of artificial and natural system. During the section, Waiwai will share her experience and understanding as a nomad between the wild and the urban.


WEDNESDAY, 6.30 pm

Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory

Sechshauserstraße 28

1150 Vienna

: : Hackerin aus Kairo am 25.5. um 19h

Wir freuen uns sehrSalma Adel

am Sonntag, den 25.Mai, um 19h

zu einer Lecture

bei Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory begrüßen zu dürfen!

Inline image 1


Die Hackerin Salma Adel aus Kairo wird zum Thema



this event is open to all genders

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