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miss baltazar at PLATFORM 4 (Aalborg | Denmark)


“The group who signed up for the 3-day Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory workshop had a seemingly awesome time. Not only did they learn the basics of soldering and using open hardware microboard platform Arduino, but also how to have the hardware interact with software such as Processing and PureData – as well as take apart old electronics to create something new.

After the workshop – which was completely full – there was a general consensus among the participants that we not only should have more introductory workshops, but also follow-up workshops to take people’s skills further. So we’ll definitely do that – and we’re pretty sure it’s not the last time Mz. Baltazar’s Lab and instructor Stefanie Wuschitz will come to Aalborg!

One of the participants, Lina Bergstrøm, did two video segments; one with an interview with Stefanie – and another with bits and pieces from the workshop. Check them out:

article on miss baltazar in dpi magazine

Bildschirmfoto 2011-06-18 um 1.29.13 PM

Although in Western countries technology is accessible to a great demographic mass, females handling technology is still perceived as deviant and women’s hacker clubs remain on the fringes. This article introduces and discusses artist and teacher Stefanie Wuschitz of Austria and her women-only  hacker project Miss Baltazar s Laboratory , exemplifying the cyberfeministic trend of current media culture. The term cyberfeminism dates back to a group of women who   became active in Internet-based art and activism in the 1990s. There is no one definition describing the practice of cyberfeminists, rather the term emerged when it became clear that the Internet was not going to be a neutral space, but that questions about gender continue persist. Whereas it is sometimes used to describe the sum of feminisms expressed throughout the Internet, it can also mean an emphasis on female practice with digital technology. This more broad conception is used here in the practice of Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory promoting the use of technology among girls and women. Continue reading

napravi me festival – saturday

some impressions from BELGRADE where MZ B’s LAB is co-hosting the festival ‘napravi me – make me’ together with WOMEN AT WORK belgrade and SELENA SAVIĆ.

yesterday we had 2 workshops about the navigation software NAVIT (ws from Darija Medić) and the first part of building electromagnetic cityscapes with Audrey Samson & Sabrina Basten

TODAY we will build ANGST DOLLS with Stefanie and  the ws of audrey and sabrina goes on. later we will du DATA CARVING with Danja Vasiliev & Gordan Savičić.


see some pics .)

angstdolls ws flyernapravi me 03

napravi me 04


Feminist DIY Kick Off Workshop in Frankfurt

A fine 4 days workshop in Frankfurt has ended with a fun spontanious noise instrument concert at the Kulturwaggon. We had a long discussion if non-experts should go on stage or not, but were all glad we did. The participants were students of the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach and got addicted to playing with circuits in no time. I hope we all stay in touch! Here some photos of the workshop and the link to the lecture as well as the performance:




This coming Thursday Workshop by Hannah Perner-Wilson (

Handcrafting Textile Sensors


: : : . : : : . : : :

WHERE: Museumsquartier, Tagr TV / Transforming Freedom Space

WHEN: 7pm

WHO: women and trans only, free entry

This hands-on workshop introduces a range of low-cost materials and tools for building textile sensors. Participants will learn techniques for handcrafting textile sensors and circuitry that include sewing, knitting, crochet and embroidery.

The goal of the workshop is to familiarize participants with available electronic textile materials and introduce them to a variety of sensor and circuitry construction techniques.

Participants will also learn how to read the values of their sensors, using multimeters as well as Arduinos and Processing.


Activism and Counter-Activism

Behavioural Dynamics in Cyberspace


When/Where: Mon 2011-05-30, 21:00 at the Metalab main room
Lecturer: Kinda Al Sayed is from Syria, she is working as an architect in London
and has closely followed the political changes in Syria.

The exercise of democracy in societies has always been the product that tradeoffs between two forces; emergent bottom up expressions of individual interests and top down decisions made by authorities. This equation maybe imbalanced in systems where power and decision-making is exercised by the authority rather than by the people.

In authoritarian regimes, when people make attempts to exercise their democratic rights they will be faced by coercion for which media machinery and communication tools are either devoted to mislead the public or disabled to avoid exposing authoritarian actions. This form of suppression of media machinery is only maintained through having control over the centralized form of media. The despotic enforcement of media control has been evidently busted throughout the Arab spring phenomena as an effect of decentralizing and personalizing media tools. This new instrumentalization of the media by the public allowed individual’s emission of information by exploiting all the affordances of the WWW medium. Social media networks have particularly contributed to a great extent to the dismantling of authorities’ suppressive activity. Within this process new forms of emergent behaviors have evolved as a by-product of togetherness in cyber space that would never have been enabled in the physical space. Different types of behavioral dynamics were identified within the flow of messaging between anonymous activists raising individual’s awareness towards communal values and disrupting activities exercised by counter-activism machinery. Time as a fundamental component of the medium’s affordances started playing an essential role in the regulation of action-reaction dynamics within the messaging flow. In this way the medium became the message by means of time and the social networking interface was made value-laden by means of its structure that embraces different affordances towards time and space. The partitioning of space and time in these interfaces together with the network structure that builds up between the different partitions left a huge impact on the influence boundaries of the message. This is where time as a construct of cyberspace starts to build a reciprocal relationship with time in the physical space. Through this reciprocal relationship differences can be identified between the affordances of Physical and Virtual spaces towards the rise of social organizations. The phenomenon of twitter journalism casts a very substantial impact on individuals’ actions and reactions due to its brief and instant messaging power. Where there are benefits to such medium of communication there are also risks that are posed by control and distortion of information. The persistence and spreading of the Arab spring phenomena and the partial success of it suggests that emergent self-driven reporting activity will eventually prevail. This suggestion is reasoned by the simple realism that the powers to control its emergence and contain its spreading won’t be affordable once passed a certain threshold.

miss baltazar's laboratory is co-hosting:


./ Make Me! Festival | Napravi Me! Festival

⇒Belgrade, Friday 10th – Monday 14th of June 2011

⇒Cultural Centre REX, Jevrejska 16


register for the workshops at
all workshops are free of charge

Make me! festival will feature a series of workshops on building and using different DIY devices, with a critical reflection on the presence of technology in public space.

The workshops are intended for tech-savvy women and girls but also enthusiasts of all genders with no previous knowledge. Artists and activists gathered around independent, self-organised initiatives from the Netherlands, Austria and Serbia will teach a wide range of subjects, from listening to electromagnetic waves and analysis of wireless Internet traffic to the use of satellite signal for GPS and solar energy.

The attendants will learn how to make and modify devices for receiving and storing the data they gather. Through one and two days workshops where “everyone teaches everyone”, we will explore the presence of technology on the streets of Belgrade. We will play with the potential of alternative uses of technology in everyday life.


The main goal is to question what is given and imposed by the technology, through an approach on the intersection between technology, art and activism. The workshops are meant to enable and encourage the participants to work with everyday technology and adapt it to their needs. They are not expected to show high technical literacy but curiousity to get to know and possibly modify technology that is available to everyone.

The target group are primarily girls with an experience in some kind of activism and an interest in art and technology. It is expected from the participants to share the interest in ‘breaking the box’ and ‘looking inside’, and to have an affinity towards learning new skills. One of important outcomes of this programme will be to create and strengthen a network that would connect the ones who are active on this scene. Through this network, we expect to be able to can support each other even long after the events have ended.

The workshops will take place over the course of 4 days, with two or three workshops sometimes running in parallel. The main programme is meant for women only. It is thought of as a ‘women for women’ exchange of knowledge. The programme would be open for participation of everyone interested, with the idea to open up our activities and content to everyone we are sharing our environment with.

for more information visit


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