Author: admin (Page 15 of 26)











During the Biennale in Sinop, Turkey, we held a Miss Baltazar s Laboratory workshop. I was surprised over the number of participants in all ages. There instantly started a vivid and intense conversation on women and technology as well as the every day use of technology and development of tech solutions. An elderly lady was angry about the way the male Turkish part of the society in her eyes excluded women from some professions. She told us about lamps and chandelier she had already designed and made herself without the help of others. Some said that although university allowed girls into tech degrees, there was just less interest. Another participant claimed it was capitalism that caused this development. Quickly the discussion became political and we compared ex-soviet countries and capitalist countries when it comes to equality and access to tech and open source tech. In the end we started working with arduino and talked about the fact that some languages use male and female terms, like e.g. german, while in other languages all terms are neutral. I told them that most electric parts and tech tools in german had male names and we discussed the impact on our perception. It was all in all an extremely thought provoking workshop and I had to re-think a lot of stereotypes I had on women living in small cities in rural areas of turkey. We had the loudest and most polarizing discussions and lots of fun.




Switch On, Switch Off

WORKSHOP:  ‘Switch On, Switch Off’,
 a creative workshop for people who shy away from technology

with Joëlle Bitton (FRANCE)

WHEN: Friday 01.06.2012, at 2pm – 6 pm (you  can drop by at any point)

WHERE: PUBLIC SPACE “HOF 7” in Museumsquartier, Innenhof, neben Architekturzentrum Wien

Switch On Switch Off is a workshop on the basics of digital interaction in the physical world. Participants hack their bodies and their environment, turning them into the switches that activate and inactivate simple electronic circuits. A team of artists and designers guide them as they try and invent creative interactive gestures.

For beginners and pros

Switch On Switch Off is a interaction workshop for people of all ages, from all backgrounds, including absolute beginners and people who typically shy away from technologies. The main idea is to keep it simple —  not simplistic. More advanced practitioners can also get a lot from the simplicity of the workshop, being able to quickly iterate and try things. The constraint of  a very simple building block is in fact liberating, as you concentrate on the gestures and the scenario.

Joëlle is a new media artist, a human-computer interaction researcher and a traveller. She looks at the creative uses of technology and their potential social impact in the ‘Social Inclusion through the Digital Economy” (SiDE) research program at Culture Lab, Newcastle University. She pursued similar questions at Media Lab Europe in Dublin, between 2002 and 2005, in the research group “Human Connectedness”, with the projects “RAW” and “Passages”.
She co-founded in 2000 in Vienna an experimental collective “`Superficiel” in support of works that explore, among other things, the ideas of surface, screen, and body movement as interfaces.
In 1999, Joelle holds a postgraduate degree from the University of Sorbonne in History of Techniques. Her thesis, “Les Machines de l’Imaginaire” describes the impact of emerging technologies and networks on the 19th century European society.
She also co-organises Dorkbot Paris events.

Freelance Künstlerin sein

Mi 30.05., 19h

An Analog Artist working in a Digital World

Workshop mit Nicole Boitos (USA)

Nicole Boitos wird in diesem Workshop über ihre Arbeit als Freelance Künstlerin sprechen. Es geht dabei insbesondere um die Vernetzung mit internationalen KundInnen und KuratorInnen. Obwohl Nicole in ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit analoge Methoden anwendet, sind Webtechnologien für die Präsentation und Vermarktung derselben Arbeiten unabdingbar geworden. Das gesamte soziale Netzwerken, Bewerben und Ausstellen ihrer Arbeiten sowie die Kommunikation mit internationalen PartnerInnen und KundInnen erledigt sie ausschließlich über online Netzwerke.

meet & read // Spivak: Can the subaltern speak?

eine Neue Runde experiments in performative theory

when: FREITAG, 25. Mai, 18 Uhr

where: Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory im MQ,electric avenue, über dem Eikon-Schaufenster

what: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Can the subaltern speak?



open to all genders // bring your text and voice

Workshop Tamara Wilhelm

13.6. 2012, 19:00 – 21:00

Tamara Wilhelm studierte am Institut für Komposition und Elektroakustik an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Wien.Sie beschäftigt sich mit elektronischer und elektroakustischer Musik, Klanginstallationen, Soundscapes und Homemade Soundelectronics. Mitglied von z.b.:…, lupov cocoliv, rheuma 3000, möstrom, Gemüseorchester uvm.

In diesem Workshop wird ein Einblick in den experimentellen elektronischen Instrumentenbau gegeben, es wird mit soundgeneratoren und elektronischen noise gearbeitet.



An Analog Artist working in a Digital World

Wednesday, 30.05.2012, 7pm

Miss Baltazar Office Museumsquariter

Nicole M. Boitos is Künstlerin, Illustratorin und Tätowiererin aus den Vereinigen Staaten (Philadelphia, New York), die momentan in Wien arbeitet.
Die Künstlerin gibt im Rahmen von Mz. Baltazars Laboratory einen offenen Workshop zur gemeinsamen Entwicklung von einfachen Schaltkreisen.

Die Künstlerin wird ausserdem über ihre Karriere als freischaffende Künstlerin sprechen, sowie über den Einfluss von digitaler Technologie auf ihre Arbeit, bei der sie eher mit direkten analogen Methoden arbeitet.

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