Holding Space by Alicja Rogalska / Exhibition

When: 12. 07. 2019 – 26. 07. 2019

Time: 19:00 – 19:00



Alicja Rogalska

Exhibition opening: 12.07.2019 at 7 p.m at Mz*Baltazar’s Lab

Onodera San’s Dream For The Future is a two-channel video produced during Rogalska’s residency at PARADISE AIR in Matsudo, Japan. It was made in collaboration with Arifumi Taneda, a care worker, and Kiyoko Onodera, an elderly woman he cares for. One video, filmed by Arifumi on his mobile phone, shows the daily, intimate routines of care work and includes Kiyoko talking about her fears, hopes and visions of the future. The other is a record of conversations between the artist and the care worker (using an online speech recognition translator) about the politics of care work in Japan, its future, limitations and possibilities of automation, and the wider economic and social context surrounding the sector. Both rooted in a local context and universal in its theme, the work talks about how our individual futures of ageing and ultimately death play out against long-term imaginaries of what kind of future society we want to create.


Alicja Rogalska mostly works in specific contexts making situations, performances, videos and installations in collaboration with other people, to explore social structures, the political subtext of the everyday and to collectively search for emancipatory ideas for the future. She is currently an artist in residence at the Stuart Hall Library/INIVA in London and working on a commission for Art Exchange, the Faculty of Social Sciences at Essex University and Focal Point Gallery. She has recently presented her work at Biennale Warszawa, Kyoto Art Centre, Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka and Q21/MuseumsQuartier in Vienna.

Door Policy: all genders

Registration: no registration required

Event date: 12. 07. 20191

Time: 19:00 – 19:00

